br is an HTML tag that forces a line break, and is similar to the newline or linefeed characters used in programming languages. Depending on your platform, operating system, or web browser, you may get a carriage return or combination of carriage returns and line feeds. This tag is frequently abused by webmasters by being used instead of the p (paragraph) tag.

See also: p, plaintext, pre


This tag does not have any required HTML attributes, and very rarely is seen with any. Regardless, the following attributes are legal under the HTML 4 specification:


To use the br tag, simply place an opening tag after the word or object where you want the line break to occur. No closing tag is needed (or allowed). For example:

Here is one line<br>Here is another<br>And yet another

On browsers that support this tag, this will cause each of the phrases above to be placed on separate lines.

Everything2 Support?

E2 does provide limited support for the br tag. It does not, however, support any of this tag's HTML attributes. Below is how your browser displays the example above here on Everything2:

Here is one line
Here is another
And yet another

If you would like to use this tag with any of its attributes, you can use your Notelet Nodelet.

Common Browser Implementations*

Most web browsers support this tag, as it has been around since at least HTML 2. Nearly all browsers implement this tag in the same visual manner, however you may see slight differences in how the tag wraps around images and other objects in the HTML document. As stated above, you may see some oddities with carriage returns and line feeds in the source code, though this should not effect how it is seen through the user agent.

Previous HTML Tag: body (previous E2 supported HTML tag: blockquote)
Next HTML Tag: button (next E2 supported HTML tag: cite)
See Also: HTML tags and HTML attributes

* Please feel free to send me information about any browser that implements this tag in an unusual manner.