I am proud to say that I was Williamson County Middle College High School at Nashville State Tech's first salutatorian. The Williamson County program opened in fall of 1998.

There are middle college high schools all over the country. The intent is to provide a program with minimal structure and a more demanding curriculum for high school students that are able to independently work at a faster pace and higher level than typical high schoolers. Middle college students are treated like adults and can come and go on campus as they please. Most middle colleges have off-campus lunches because the small community college campuses they are located at don't have full-service cafeterias. In return, the students are expected to behave as adults, follow the same rules the college students abide by, and keep up with the fast-paced studies. Any college courses they take will be paid for by the county, and many MCHS students graduate with a good deal of their college credits already completed. The program is demanding but incredibly rewarding. Enrollment is generally limited to 100-250.