Taken from my personal goodies from a few years back.
Breaking Down Ain't Hard to Do - icey
breaking down.
it's not so hard
he said, laughing to the children
on the yellow bus
he'd stopped
with only his hands
and a 12 gauge shotgun
breathing fire
he shouts to them
remember today!
recall you were alive today!
you will arise tomorrow,
and you will be alive today!
an eternity in a day!
and he stalks onward,
past the shiny, candy-yellow bus
with the quivering driver
and confused children
and dancing
into the light of
the 9 o'clock sun
he smiles
the world is his
he's learned the secret
breaking down
isn't hard to do
let go little boys
let go little girls
ladies and gentlemen
stop, where you are
and just let go
he whispers to them
and giggles as they hide
breaking down aint hard to do!
he screams
it's so easy! you can do it too!
and he falls to his knees
feeling no pain
he's already let go
and doesn't feel
the weight of life
he just tilts his head back
and he laughs and he laughs
and laughs
and speaks to the sky
fall from the heavens! fall as your brother has done!
breaking down
ain't hard to do!
and one more deep breath
which returns to the air
a seafoam of life
that once was
and his thoughts
are now free
and mingled
with air
and grass
and ground
and the casings
of a 12 gauge shell.
and breaking down
ain't hard to do.