The day I stopped by work to get my last paycheck, a few weeks ago, I got a ex co-worker's phone number. Tommorrow I'm going to Six Flags for school. So is she (she goes to a different school and I do not see her much.)

Throughout the conversations we had she would flirt with me but I would not bite. She hinted for me to ask her to prom but I did not. Where I am in my life, a good friend is more valuable to me than a relationship.

She is someone I enjoy talking to. We have had good conversations, at least I thought so. Six Flags is tommorrow and the last time we talked about it was last week, with a vague "I'll see you there." She has not called me in the past 5 or 6 days. I am sure she has seen my # on her caller ID a couple of those days.

I am being ignored because she was not interested in me as a friend, only as a boyfriend.