I guess that I had this, or have it, as the case may be, probably as a direct result of problems with my gall bladder. The only way to really confirm that this condition is present is through blood tests, at least, that's the most typical method of diagnosis. The blood tests need to be taken during an "episode", that is to say, when symptoms are present. The reason being that there is some product of the pancreatic problem that seeps into blood, and is easily traceable with simple, normal blood tests. However, if they just give you some tums and don't bother doing their job, you'll just suffer with a potentially very serious problem. That's what happened to me, anyway.

Depending on how severe it is, and the cause, it may never go away. I suppose I'm in the best situation where this is concerned, because it just bothers me when my gall bladder is doing the same, which means when I eventually do get it removed the problem should subside. If the underlying cause is something beyond control, even the bland diet won't help too entirely much.

This condition is characterized by severe pain in various locations, and may also radiate straight through to the back. It's quite agonizing. Afflicted may not be able to function properly, or move, without experiencing discomfort in its most extreme form.

Since pancreatitis is generally caused by something else, treatment consists of first pin pointing what exactly is behind it all, and going from there. Some people live with this condition their entire lives. It is also directly linked to diabetes.