Lake Erie is actually not very deep at all, on average, only 62 feet, 200 at the very deepest point. This seems miniscule in comparison to the other lakes, and it is in fact the smallest great lake where volume is concerned (only 116 cubic miles, or 483km3). The shoreline stretches just about 871 miles, and the total surface area is about 10,000 square miles, about half of which is located in the United States. Lake Erie's length is 241 miles (~388km), with a breadth of 57 miles (~92km).

Lake Erie is Ontario's fifth largest lake, and also one of its most polluted. There is extensive farming around the lake due to excellent, very fertile soil. Consequently, the agricultural run off, mixed with sewage and other contaminants from surrounding inhabitants dwellings left the lake in fairly poor shape. In 1972 Canada and the United States started the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement) to try and reverse damage, and slow any further, with some success. It was determined in the past few years that Lake Erie now often has the lowest pollution levels in the great lake system. Still, some places in the lake have quite a high mercury level, though greatly reduced from its original point when dangerously high concentrations were found in many of the fish (as Erie is, and was even moreso, key in the fishing industry of the area).

This is the only great lake that regularly freezes over during the winter, mostly because of its shallow waters. There are three drainage basins for Lake Erie, each quite different from the others, one in particular has a high nutrient content. Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario are all touched by Lake Erie's drainage basin.

data compiled from, and a few other websites, as well as from my ginormous memory bank.