Hello, World!

My name is Maya Justine. That hasn't changed since the last time. I'm now one year old. My birthday was last month. It was sooooo weird. All these people came to my house and brought me stuff. Daddy was telling them that they should have come empty-handed because he sez I already have too much stuff. Of course, I was having none of that. It was for ME! I mean, I'm used to being the centre of attention and all that but this was like it was all about me, all the time. I guess a birthday is something special. Maybe I'll have another one soon.

I can now make it at least halfway across the room without falling down. When I do trip it's either cos I'm going too fast or cos big brother was slacking and didn't pick up my toys. I have a big sister too. I like to give her a hard time when I'm feeling tired and cranky. She thinks that she can quiet me down by walking with me but she's so mistaken. In the end mommy or daddy comes and takes me, and does exactly what sister was trying to do. Then I shut up and smirk at her over their shoulder.

Today I went to see the doctor again. He's a funny man who talks a lot. Then, after he left, some lady came and stabbed me twice in each leg. That hurt! Waaaaaaaah! But I can't hold a grudge so I couldn't keep up the sad face for more than ten minutes. They think I don't know but they plan on doing the same to me next time. Ha! By then I'll be mobile enough to give them the slip.

I think I'll close with one of the few words that I can articulate, though I prefer to supplement it with a vigorous wave. I know, gestures are the crutch of inarticulate, errr, babies but, well, nyah! Next time I'll have more for you.
