With the release of Internet Explorer 5 and also Netscape 6.1, the no-right-click scripters have a new event to strike fear into the hearts of Internet users everywhere: document.oncontextmenu.

Whereas traditional right-click scripts captured document.onmousedown and .onmouseup, which can be circumvented by holding down clever combinations of mouse buttons to confuse the browser, or by pressing the Windows key, this event is specifically tailored to control the context menu.

Like any technology, it has its good uses -- for instance, writing your own context menu in a web application that is more relevant to the task at hand -- and its bad uses. Try inserting this small section of JavaScript into a web page:

document.oncontextmenu = new Function('return false');

Luckily, most no-right-click scripts as yet have yet to be updated to support the new browsers and are therefore able to be circumvented. Thank goodness for antiquated reference materials...

Another way of avoiding this plague, aside from the excellent wget or just pasting the image URL into your location bar, is to simply disable JavaScript in your browser options. This should only be done as a temporary measure -- many sites require or recommend JS for navigation or operation, such as the E2 Source Code Formatter.