Cyber war: (n.)1
A state of media-declared hostilities consisting of one or more annoying "script kiddie" attacks launched against the websites of warring factions (or their perceived sympathizers) by one or more immature second-shift burger flippers with cute CB handles who describe themselves as "patriots-in-cyberarms" and brag about their "war crimes" without fear of reprisal (e.g. getting killed or taken prisoner) in an effort to drum up media exposure which feeds their collective narcissistic personality disorder;
sometimes used as a precursor to run for political office.

To quote Sun Tzu, "Land is the foundation of the state." Men will give their lives to control it. To quote Frank Herbert: "He who destroys a thing controls a thing." The concept of terrorism spawns from this truism.

The Internet extends from the land, but the Internet does not underpin the foundations of the state. Men don't fight for computers over computers, and that won't change anytime, soon.

Therefore, there can be no true "cyber war" or "cyber terrorism" until human beings agree to give their lives to control and destroy the Internet.

  1. Added with permission from the author