This is achieved by enhancing whatever it is you wish to say by speaking
loudly and
For example, if in
Spain and wishing to order a
coke, a person not well versed in
International English might say:
"Um, could I have a Coke please?"
And of course, the
waiter would almost certainly have no idea what the
foreign customer was desiring. Lets convert it to International English, so that the customer could
communicate with the waiter in the correct manner:
"H E L L O, C O U L D, I, H A V E A, C O K E, P L E A S E?
The waiter will now of course understand what the customer said. It's a well known fact of
tourists that if you say something loudly and slowly enough in
English, anyone can understand it! After all, you can!
This public service braodcast was brought to you by ignorance and stupidity.