I met Lee in high school, and I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever met. Witchiepoo and I were best friends although we never talked about it, and Witchiepoo was friends with Lee. I wasn't, really... I was just acquainted. Witchiepoo moved away when we were in the 10th grade and I was pretty much alone in high school after that.

After we graduated, I ended up reacquainted with both Witchiepoo and Lee. For a couple months, we all hung out together like a little cool girl clique. Then for some reason, it was just Lee and I. We moved in together and lived together as room mates off and on for the next five years. Then Lee did the same thing to me as she had done to Witchiepoo - she disposed of me like a dirty diaper she'd found hidden behind the dressing table. I was quite distraught.

Then L Boogie Mojo brought Witchiepoo and I back together. It was a joyous reunion, punctuated by long hours on the telephone and lots of catching up. Then it hit us.


These are the Lee Stories, listed here in rough chronological order. Enter at your own risk.

Jennifer, Is She Your Friend?
Shit On My Chest
Ian and the Magic Towel
Ursula's Palace
An Apparition on a Wet, Black Bough
My Mother and I Love Your Butt
He Really Wasn't That Great
Garage Sale - Feelings Free, Take Them All!
Jen, I Really Hate Him
Don't ever lend out your pants
KKKill The Fetus
Chapstick is a Bad Lubricant
24 Karat Orange
I Have to Check and See if They Wear Panties
The $20,000 Boyfriend
I Love Cincinnati
Before You Hear It From Someone Else
KKKill The Fetus, Part II
The End of a Friendship