Unfortunately the phenomenon of "colonizing" and oppressing one's own kind is not new or unique, nor is it rare.

---Pratibha Parmar, Warrior Marks (New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993)

Comprador class is a term for the natives of a colonized land that are "bought" by the colonizers. Its members were given a Western-style education and often colluded in the oppression and exploitation of other natives. After anti-colonialism struggles enable the natives to win their country's independence, these educated, bourgeois natives often inherited the colonialists' power, and left the existing oppressive political and economic system in place. This is one of the hallmarks of neocolonialism: a system no longer directly governed by the colonialist is nonetheless indirectly controlled by its former oppressors because its existing institutions (the military, bureaucracy, and educational systems) have all been defined by colonialism.