Sometimes things just suck...

It was sort of snowing (think nothing at all if you live outside the southwest) and I enjoy riding my bike during inclement weather. So I decided I was going to ride to the local grocery store and pick up 2 free pints of Ben and Jerry's I had coupons for. It's about a 2 mile round trip, which was thoroughly enjoyable with the cold and the light precipitation. The streets still held a good amount of heat from the sunny hours of the day so there really wasn't anything sticking to the ground but it did create a nice fog. I arrived at the store locked my bike up went inside grabbed my 2 flavors and went to go checkout. Things were sailing smoothly as I handed over the ice cream. My purchase was rung up I had handed the cashier the coupons and put the ice cream pints into my backpack when she uttered the phrase that ruined the evening "37 cents". I looked at her in disbelief, "you have to pay the tax" well shit... I shuffled around in my pockets and backpack searching for change I knew wasn't there. My ploy for pity failed however. This cold and cagey late night grocer was too jaded to fall for that one. I acted surprised when I couldn't locate the 37 cents needed to complete the transaction and handed her back the ice cream I had attempted to purchase. I had a very sad ride home, accentuated by the fact that it was snowing again, but none of it was sticking...