Sometimes it seems that life's lessons revolve heavily around working diligently towards a goal, yet not acting on the urge to retaliate against those who try to screw up your efforts. This is what my week has been like.

Honestly, I'd like to flatline a few people. Sure, vengeance would hold some satisfaction, but there are prices to pay for many actions. I don't want that kind of karma- it ain't worth it. Besides, why waste time and energy on some petty morons when my resources are better directed towards my goal?

Anyway... my day was not wasted despite the fact that I was unable to accomplish certain tasks. The bills got paid, the shopping got done, my family ate well, I even cleaned the bathroom- and I hate housework!!!

Ahh, but I'm happy to be able to scratch out a few nodes tonight. I tend to get E2 withdrawal symptoms when I go nodeless for too long.