Over forty years ago when Harper Lee wrote 'To Kill A Mockingbird' it was seen as something very controversial to write, something that was almost frowned upon. it was deeply open about issues that simply were not discussed. This book talked about the racism and prejudice that was so openly used forty years ago. People would have been disgusted had it not been written in the eyes of Scout, a young, naive girl whose innocence makes the book its own.

Mockingbird shows so much about that time, Scout is so innocent and shows so little understanding to what is going on around her. She is completly unaware of anything and simply thinks that the way that people are treated in Maycomb is O.K. Some of the things she says could offend but we know that what she says is just the honest truth and honestly isn't that what we like?

The popularity of the book has come from the issues it deal with and its popular, heartwarming characters, many of which are still very appropiate to the very day. People find they can relate to the book and that Scout's innocence is very pleasuring, something people wish there was more of.

The book brings out Harper Lee's views on racism, education and family life. She clearly is disappointed by the way the world treats people and is run and by reading this book we got the feeling that we really want to change the world ourselves. After all, anything is possible. Although these issues are big things to deal with we do feel very relaxed reading them, this is because the book is narrated by a young girl. It is impossible to feel pressured with her views in any way.

About the case: "Well, you've heard it all, you may aswell hear the rest."

Maycomb is a typical southern state, everyone knows each other and their business too. Nobody can possibly get away with anything, there is too much gossip for that. Atticus, a lawyer, wants to bring his children to be well-rounded with none of the bias that surrounds them. He wants them to know everything and form their own opinoins without the prejudice of their neighbours. Atticus keeps no secrets and tell no lies, he doesn't see the point in them.

People want, or even need, a hero in a book and in Mockingbird this role is given to Atticuss Finch. he fights for his town and what he believes in and nothing will stand in the way of that. Even when people tell him to not defend Tom Robinson he still goes ahead because he thinks it is a worthy cause and in a way it is.

About Aunt Alexandra: "She won't let him alone about the case."

The main popularity of the book comes from Tom Robinson and his somewhat wasted potential. Accused of rape, what chance does he have against Mayella Ewell, a white woman? So much racism goes on in the courts. A black man against a white woman? No chance. And, as you read the book you realise that Tom is the Mockingbird of the book.


Near to the end of the book Tom gets shot and we see that Atticus's advice to his children is ultimately true. Atticus always vowed he would bring Tom to justice and he would have done had he been given the chance. In this world there is so much injustice to blatantly innocent people. So the book comes to close and we realise that Harper Lee is trying to teach us a lesson, to treat everyone fairly. We owe everyone a fair trial.

Then we see the reason why this book has become so popular, it touches people's hearts and lives. It's one of those books that whoever you are, whatever your background or interests you can learn something from the book. We've all been the lost young child who doesn't know enough about the world around us and wants to, we've all been scared of someone and we've all learnt that judging someone is wrong.

The book is popular because it is flexible to people's lives and views. It can move with the times because the issues that were alive then still are today in some respects. If a book is written in such a innocent way how can it be hated?