There's a Harvester ad (note to non-Brits : a Harvester is an English rural-themed chain of franchise restaurants, supposedly notorious for their bad food - lots of steaks and chicken-in-a-basket abound) on TV at the moment which uses The Christians song "(When Will There Be A) Harvest For The World?" - a song, for those who don't remember it (or its grisly animated video) about famine in Africa (with additional mention of nukes, pollution, endangered species, etc... the usual 1980's stuff). The song fades in as the camera pans low over a succulent ploughman's lunch at the end of the advert. (So that all you get to hear is the "When will there be a harvest for the woo-er--ee--orld" bit - none of the impassioned pleas that precede it.) Pretty sick, dude.

Another cool one being aired recently is for a Nissan car, which uses Portishead's Numb, and enthuses about the 'intelligence' inherent in the vehicle. Strangely it loops before hitting the first lines: "I'm ever so lost / I can't find my way..."