Is it an everything dream if it just involves noders, not noding?

thefez is some sort of lord of the underworld. He, of course, doesn't look like he does in this world; instead, he's some giant Pink Panther look alike. It is my Marioesque mission to defeat him. A battle ensues, which mostly involves me knocking fez down. Eventually, I win -- but there are casualties. ideath has been mortally wounded. She insists on not going to a hospital, and dies.

I'm not sure if this was some sort of conscious decision on my part, but I think I may have decided that's not what I wanted to happen in this dream, so...

I defeat thefez again. I find ideath has been wounded again, so I tell her to keep pressure on the wound (it's a little cut on her hand, but for some reason this is deadly serious); I half carry her around, searching for a hospital. She's getting progressively worse, and I'm asking everyone where the hospital is. Finally, I find it, and ideath is treated just in time. She's fine, and I'm ecstatic. We walk towards the exit, and see stand/alone/bitch with some other random people; they are all dressed in black flowing robes. We are excited to see her, and she doesn't seem to flee or anything (which surprised me at the time). We talk for a short time, but I have to go. ideath tells me she doesn't want to go with me -- she'd rather stay with these folks.