There was yet another
princess, named Ute. This one lived in a tall
castle nestled among the
fjords of Everyway, were
magic still runs thick in the
blood of
the people. Her father wanted a
boy, but the princess was his first and
only child, because her
mother couldn't
safely give
birth anymore. Though he was
worried about the
future of his
kingdom, and the
foolish Ancient Laws that said only a boy could
inherit the
throne, he tried not to think about it and busied himself with raising the princess to be the
best princess she could be. Ute loved to
read, and was good with
math puzzles. She played with
dolls, and climbed
trees, and
embroidered, and rode
horses, and scaled the
mighty Everywayan
cliffs where the slightest
mistake could send her
plummeting hundreds of feet to
dash her
brains out on the
sharp rocks, turning the
surf a
frothy pink color for a while. She knew enough not to tell her
parents about her fjord-climbing part, but other than that they were a close family. She also had some
dear friends among the
daughters of the
nobles. Together with these
ladies in waiting, she formed a
rugby team. As they grew tired of rugby, they started
bugging the king to let them get some
military training.
Finally, King Everyway
relented, and
hired a
drill sergeant who organized them into
platoons and led them in
This non-true mostly-finished story brought to you by:
The Unfinished Stories Metanode