I wonder how many times the car would have needed to roll to kill them both. I know it rolled four times. Would five had done it? Six? Where did the car land? Did she hit any rocks? Did she hit anything else, besides the ground?

I wonder what it was like, waiting there in the desert, having just crawled out of the wreckage of your car and your still friend stuck inside. The fear, the confusion, the agonizing pain in your head and elbow, and wondering when help is going to arrive.

How badly was the driver hit on the head? Is she okay? Will she need brain surgery? A hole in the head to drain out the fluid? Perhaps her skull was cracked and she's bleeding into her own brain even as I type this. Spooky. Was she drunk? Was she high? She fell asleep at the wheel after all, but perhaps it was simply exhaustion. Driving 500 miles all night will tire a person out, I hear.

The passenger needs surgery on her leg. Can a simple bone reconstruction go so badly as to kill someone? A slip of the hand, and the bone is further broken.... Or, the pins won't stay, they won't hold the bone together... the bone will never heal properly. Will she ever step foot inside another car again? This is her third car accident she's been in, after all. You'd think it was some sort of warning from a higher power or something.

No one has let me know anything more about the accident. Even though these people don't mean a lot to me, I am suddenly concerned about their mortality. More than anything, I wish for someone to hold me and let me know that everything will be okay.