Character sketch:

A middle aged man, not well groomed.
Not well dressed and more than a little overweight.
Unnamed person works maintenance or housekeeping in a large office building I happen to have been visiting.
He was exiting the restroom I was entering when I noticed him. Actually, not exactly true. I noticed the scent he left behind.
Heavy cologne residue. Heavy, as in a lot.
He was soaked in very high end cologne. The pricey stuff: the 80 dollars for a small bottle stuff.
So I did wonder, as I tried to put the scent with a name-

Why would this be a priority?
Was it a gift from a girlfriend? A boyfriend? His mom?
Would he voluntarily spend a week's salary on cologne?

Lastly, does this work for him?
I wonder these things, though I likely will never see, or smell him again.