The Flemish Interest (Vlaams Belang, in Dutch. Previously also knows as Vlaams Blok) is a Belgian Political party led by Filip Dewinter. Their main goal is the independence of Flanders and a stricter limit on immigration. Thus Immigrants who fail to integrate will be deported back to their home country.<\p>
Vlaams Belang is in some ways a very popular political party. In other ways it’s actually the most unpopular. Many Flemish people don’t want any more immigrants to live in Belgium and would even force the already immigrated people to leave the country. Obviously, they are the ones voting for Vlaams Belang.
Those who do not vote for them are usually those who don’t support this first statement.<\p>
Many of those who don’t vote for Vlaams Belang have an intense dislike for this party. And a lot of those people refuse to even read what other points they (Vlaams Belang) have, be they good or bad. This a big mistake. In my opinion their bad points (bad points as I view it) still outweigh their good points, but it’s better to know what else they stand for than that you remain ignorant. Many Flemings who are against Vlaams Belang know practically next to nothing of the party.<\p>
For example, Some of the main points in the platform include:<\p>
- They strive for the independence of Flanders. The reason for this is mostly because of the huge financial transfers from Flanders to Wallonia. These transfers are unjustified, there’s no getting round that. There are a lot more unemployed people in Wallonia than in Flanders. So Flemings (along with the Walloons) have to pay a lot more for Wallonia than for Flanders. Now this can be understood and accepted, since everyone should be treated equally, be it in Wallonia or in Flanders. After All, we still live in the same country.
Agreed?. This is justified. What, however, is not justified is that an unemployed Walloon gets more money than an unemployed Flemish person. A sick Walloon (or a Walloon with a serious handicap, by which he therefore can’t work) receives more money than a sick Fleming. And there are countless of other examples.
The point being, this is obviously not right. But unless we, Flemings, vote differently (not necessarily for the party of the Flemish Interest) this law wont be changed in any time soon. <\p>
- They wish to have a closer co-operation between The Netherlands and Flanders. And they want closer links with the part of northern France where West-Flemish used to be spoken.
- Everywhere in Belgium (where Dutch is the official language) there won’t be “translations on demand” for French speakers. Rather, the Dutch language will have to be learned by those who wish to live there. In Flanders educational facilities , where French is spoken instead of Dutch, will be abolished. Walloon people have to learn to speak Dutch (as it’s only normal, since Flemish people can speak French) and they will have to learn our Flemish ways if they wish to live here (in Flanders), which I think is but a reasonable thing to do for someone who lives in the same country.
- Immigrants who fail to integrate in our Belgian society will have to leave the country. This means that they must be able (or learn) to speak Dutch. They mustn’t isolate themselves from Belgian people in order to “hang out” with people of their native country. By stating this, Vlaams Belang doesn’t want to prevent them speaking to those of their native country. But socializing with those of their new community must not be hindered by this. I can think of this only as reasonable. If you have no wish to adapt to the community where you live how then, can you possibly be called a member of that particular society, in this case Belgium (or Flanders).
- Prevent Turkey from joining the European Union.
- Do what is within their power to prevent the islamisation of Europe, which they consider to be “a frightening historical process.”
- Grant more child benefits. For example, one parent may stay at home to watch over the kids and get paid for doing it.Opponents, feminists of course, see this as discrimination against women. What must be noted however is that women won't (of course) be forced to do this, they can do otherwise if they wish it (by which I mean, for example, work), or ask of the husband to watch over the kids. So I don’t really see the problem (I’ve asked around and, apparently, most men don’t), but, evidently, it’s a huge problem to all women and as discriminatory as can be.
- Abortion will only be allowed in case of rape or medical reasons.
- anti-racism and anti-discrimination laws must be retracted because of the freedom of speech law.
- The law which allows same-sex marriage must also be retracted, along with adoption of same-sex parents.
These are the most important points in the platform. What can be distinguished quite clearly is that Vlaams Belang has an interest in families. And as you can clearly see, they have quite a conservative view on society (I'm not saying that's a bad thing).
Still, the bad points still outweigh the good ones I think. But to each his own opinion.<\p>
Votes for Vlaams Belang are rising every year. And they are only prevented more votes because the Christian Democrats (another Belgian political party which currently has most votes) say they will do something about the Walloons. They say this only so that they would not lose anymore votes to Vlaams Belang, nothing is being done about it in reality.<\p>
If someone Votes for Vlaams Belang he usually doesn’t tell anyone, since, “in theory,” many people see it as a taboo. Although that is pretty ridiculous since about 1 million Flemish people voted for them and there are only about 6 million Flemings.<\p>
And the king says nothing?? Independence is a bad thing for him right?!<\p>
The king, fearing for his throne, has made several speeches in which he makes some subtle remarks which discredits Vlaams Belang. King Albert II, nor any member of the royal family for that matter, is not allowed to voice his opinion on Belgian politics. So he tries (with for example a Christmas speech) to subtly comment on the current political state of Belgium.
Saying things like, “Now more than ever must all Belgians unite against those who would undo it…” And so on. Casually trying to influence the people without actually naming the source of trouble.
This has, however, little effect on true supporters of Vlaams Belang for they have no love for the king. Although I suppose that it may be intended to unite those who don’t support Vlaams Belang.<\p>
Other Political Parties that seek independence<\p>
There really is only one other Belgian political party that seeks independence and want to change the situation between Wallonia and Flanders.
That Political party is the NVA (New-Flemish alliance = Nieuwe-Vlaamse Alliantie, in Dutch). They however are not as extreme as Vlaams Belang, but would still have an independent Flanders and a more justified relationship with Wallonia.