Where has this fascination come from with these girls kicking ass that's manifested in our current pop culture? Not since the late 70's have such female characters been churned out of the media machine, but these women are all together a different breed, and more numerous... Lara Croft, Leeloo, Chun Li, the PowerPuff Girls, Yu Shu Lien , Trinity, Buffy, Charlie's Angels, Tank Girl, the list goes on and on...

Is it equal representation? Is it a generation of men raised by women who have some desperate longing to succumb to mommy's justice once again? Has entirely too much gaming hard-wired in the ape-brain that innate melody of the lightning kick, hand-held artillery and the jiggle of nubile flesh? Are we that much closer to the Star Trek evolution of the culture to the point that women are allowed to be powerful, in some other way besides through sexual discretion? (we're talkin' Sandy at the end of Grease here, kids, please reserve your heavy arguments) Is it the legacy of Billy Blanks and the aerobic masses believing a little too much in the potency of Tae-Bo?

What was the last major motion action flick that didn't have a female character that kicked ass? Please don't get me wrong... I relish these female characters as long overdue... but they are very different from their counterparts in the seventies... I grew up watching the original Charlie's Angels and Wonder Woman, and fuck yeah, the Bionic Woman, baby. . . These feathered hair divas, however, NEVER flat out, no holds barred kicked ass and made the bad guy beg for mercy on a level playing field the way these chicks today are doin'. It doesn't always take special powers or three on one to crack skulls nowadays...

Apparently Professor Utonium got it right... Sugar, spice, everything nice and a CAN OF WHOOP ASS does the trick...