It appears that it's now socially acceptable to discuss the intimate details of your sex life with anybody, from good friends to people you just met at a party. I don't guess I mind this, as it makes for interesting conversation. I'm all for sharing information, don't get me wrong.

A line does need to be drawn somewhere, though, and I think your personal porn collection is probably a good place. I mean really, is there any possible outcome of seeing the pictures somebody else beats off to besides having a lowered opinion of that person?

I propose a rule in two parts:

One, never ask to see another's JPG directory, so you'll never have the "too much information" experience by your own hand. This goes double for those of you who are curious about somebody's porn so you can get inside their head and get to know them better. Trust me, whatever they are into is much weirder and more disturbing than you think it will be.

Two, never, under any circumstances, show anybody your collection, no matter how much they beg. Sure they just want to look at some hot skin to put them in a good mood. Sure they want to see what you like so they can be a better lover. Don't fall for it, or you'll likely end up with friends and SOs that think you're a warped bastard.

Note that this rule can and should be suspended for porno videos, as they're never very erotic, and are always hilarious to watch with others who can see the humor in them.