A four cylinder automobile model, manufactured by Ford Motor Company.

I have owned two in my life, one of which I loved, and was made in 1990 and got stolen right in front of my house on a Sunday evening; the other is a 1989 model, which smokes like hell but runs great. My daughter and I bought this lovely car together, each putting down $450 for it. She has yet to drive it, as she doesn't have a license yet (a year after buying the car).

Now, to me, the best thing about this car, besides the bargain basement price, are the army men and the bumper stickers. The army men are stuck on the ceiling of the car with Superglue and amaze and astound our friends. They seem to be very good at holding off car thiefs, so far.

My daughter had a bag of stickers that she had been saving up for a year. Some of them include:
My dogs butt stinks;
Ready to Snap;
club Orpheus
and a long one that says, in the form of a prayer,
blah blah blah I'm going to pound your ass blah blah blah and show no mercy blah blah blah amen.
In response to my Friends don't let friends eat meat bumper sticker brazenly plastered on my other car the Escort wants to know If we aren't supposed to eat them, why are animals made out of meat? My favorite
- Not all who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien.
And of course there are a couple of the requisite band stickers, most of which came from me:
All, The Blasting Room, Hole, Self, NIN.