What's so great about peace, love and understanding?

Got up. No hangover. Great. Put on my bathing suit. Checked e-mail real quick. Checked E-2 with frustration over 56k modem (spoiled at work with T-1 baby). Went down to the pool with a muffin for breakfast and a book.

I've done this now for four days in a row, and now the sadness, loneliness, and despair are biting my ankles. I've put them off for this long merely with books, no drugs, no food, no alcohol to dull the senses and quiet the mind. Impressive, huh? But this day, tears seep out from my eyes as I answer inane questions and make idiotic small talk with my companion.

The newness of my epiphany about who I am (partly anyway) and other things are crowding into my conciousness, demanding a hearing and I just keep pushing them back. Last night claws at me, begging release, but I cannot deal with this stuff yet, maybe never.