Charles P. Ginsburg
Born July 27, 1920 - Died April 9, 1992

Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing the first practical videotape recorder (VTR), patented on July 25, 1955. The system used a rapidly rotating recording head to apply high-frequency signals onto a reel of magnetic tape. The VTR revolutionized television broadcasting. The rotating head is also part of a scheme to cause unexpected variations of the recorded signal to produce minimal distortion.

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The world's first practical videotape recorder, the Ampex VRX-1000 (later renamed the Mark IV) is introduced on March 14, 1956, at the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters in Chicago. CBS became the first network to employ VTR technology that very same year. Their first videotape delayed broadcast was Douglas Edwards and The News, on November 30, 1956, from Los Angeles, California. Recorded programs that could be edited quickly replaced most live broadcasts.

Born in San Francisco, California, Ginsburg graduated from San Jose State with a B.A. in 1948, then worked as a studio and transmitter engineer at a radio station in the San Francisco Bay area. He joined the Ampex Corporation in 1952. He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Magnetic tape recording of television signals dates to just after World War II, when audio tape recorders were used to record the very high frequency signals needed for television. These early machines ran the tape at the very high speed of 240 inches per second to achieve high-frequency response from hardware designed for much lower frequencies.

Ginsburg held the position of vice president of Advance Development at Ampex from 1975 until his retirement in 1986.

Ginsburg was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his patent on "Broad Band Magnetic Tape Systems and Method", U.S. Patent No. 2,956,114, in 1990 -- just two years before his death.


Website: National Inventors Hall of Fame, "Charles P. Ginsburg" (

U.S. Patent number 2,956,114: "Broad Band Magnetic Tape System And Method", Charles P. Ginsburg, Shelby F. Henderson, Ray M. Dolby, Charles E. Anderson, July 25, 1955

Website: Ampex "Corporate Background" (