A "Rye Crispbread".

The base crispbread is made from simply Wholemeal Rye, water and a little salt. Different grains are used on top for the different varieties:

  • Original - Just plain Wholemeal Rye. I found these to be a little bland by themselves.
  • Sesame - Sesame seeds sprinkled on top (duh!). I haven't tried these ones (yet)
  • Multi-Grain - My personal favourite, this has Wholemeal Rye, Buck Wheat, Toasted Kibbled Soya, Sesame Seeds and Kibbled Sunflower Kernels. These are nice enough to be eaten by themselves, but can be a little dry for most people.
  • Dark Rye - I will have to check on these ones (more soon)
  • Currant Crunch - Ryvita with Currants. Mmmm

Somewhat stigmatised because of their abstaining, health food image. Ryvita is available in most countries and is grown solely in the UK.

I enjoy Ryvita's by themselves as an alternative to crisps. You can also make many great meals/snack with Ryvita, here are some of my personal favourites:

So, what are you waiting for? A tasty alternative to crisps, a great base for quick snacks and healthy. Go eat some. Now!