Is she a myth?

She wakes up an hour and a half early every morning before work in order to primp and pamper. She doesn't even need to, she already outshines most of her coworkers in jeans on dress down Friday. She's the kind of woman that can throw on sweats and radiate femininity. But she wouldn't be caught dead without foundation, mascara, and a natural tone lipstick. You think flawless beauty comes naturally?

Nails are always manicured, not a chip in her tips. Feet are pedicured frequently just in case she has that last minute date requiring the slinky shoes to jazz up the little black dress. Her hair looks like she just came from the salon but she even looks great when it's tossed into a messy bun or ponytail.

She's comfortable in skirts, never a run in her pantyhose. She walks as if she's been wearing high heels her entire life. Her suits look as if they've been tailored to fit her, no matter if she bought them at Dress Barn, Macy's, or Lord and Taylor. I still wonder why she can wear almost anything with jeans and get away with it.

Men fall over themselves watching her. A bright smile, a casual, elegant, tall stride, the sweet scent that lingers when she passes by. She thumbs Cosmo and women pretend not to watch, wondering which articles have the techniques and magic that will make them like her. Envy and lust circle around her, but since she's not (usually) malicious, life goes on, lunches with friends happen. Shopping happens.

can you tell i'm just a wee bit bitter and perhaps even a little jealous?