Voted off the island this week: Jet Poop.

Still left on the island:
Saige, knifegirl, icicle, jessicapierce, ideath, Deborah909, juliet, moJoe, dem bones, dannye, Pseudo-Intellectual, DMan, theFez, nate, and Uberfetus.

Anonymous Pull Quote from remaining survivor:

"I've been downvoted by these seven sons of bitches for months now, and I'll be damned if it's gonna carry over to this crappy island. I know a lot of these Commies here liked Jet Poop, but when faced with the infallible line of reasoning I presented them, there was no way this wasn't going down, man. I mean, the fat one had six other people stuffed in his baggy jeans and his gym bag.

"Don't force your multiple personality disorder philosophy on me! This ain't China, goddamnit, and I wasn’t going to stand for it.

"I was able to convince enough people that having seven survivors in the place of one was just not right.

"I think I've got a good shot a winning this thing now that those assholes are back in hippieland, or wherever they shack up together. I'm forming a Young Republicans Faction and I'll take the believers and convert the rest.

"I can do this!"

Back to Introduction. Next Week.