Today I was chased by rednecks. Yes, you read that right.

My brother in-law and I had been out for a while before it started raining. We were in the Z. For those of you who aren't gearheads, rain + rear-wheel drive sports car = lots of fun. I was enjoying myself too much to go straight home, so we took a little detour on the back-roads. When the roads got boring, we looked for an empty parking lot to do some donuts in. We found one, though it wasn't quite a "parking lot" per say. It was a "Community Center" that had a few outdoor basketball courts. I proceeded to enjoy myself.

Once I had had my fun, I decided to give my brother in-law a go. We were about to trade seats when I noticed two figures walking towards the Community Center from across the street. They did not look pleased.

"Wait...there's a guy walking over there...."
"Yeah...I wonder if he's coming over here."
"You think it's time to go?"

By this time the man in front was waving us over to where he stood. I had to drive past him to get out of the basketball courts. I didn't stop to think; I quickly put the car in gear and peeled out, waving "peace" at the two men, who were now running at us, as I past them. Worried they might catch my license plate number and call the cops, I made a sharp left turn and proceeded to gun it.


I laughed at the sight of the two rednecks running after us in my rear view. Now that's something you don't see everyday.