
I just spent a week being held in a jail cell by Obama-era police officers who arrested me on charges stemming from a witch hunt against independent businessmen like me. Let me tell you what happened. Get a cold drink.

I'd been at the Straight White Men's Cultural Center watching The White Show, which is about a family that does everything completely correctly but finds themselves being attacked by their neighbors the Black Family, the Perez Family, and the non-affiliated persons who make guest appearances (sometimes headlining stars). They have their money taken, they property and livestock stolen, and no one does anything about it. Great show. Very topical. I give it five stars because it also has tits in it a lot. In bikini tops and low-cut blouses. Good stuff.

The next morning I was hungover when I got to the Walgreens where I beat the absolute living shit out of sick and old people so I can sell their meds to "street vendors." So, I wasn't really on my game. Walgreens employees kept shoeing me away from the door and I had to pay them off for a while to keep them at bay. Then I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch, but this particular KFC I like to call "Kentucky Fried Cock" because I go to the back door, slip a twenty to the guy back there, and I get some.

By the time I got back to Walgreens and set up to take down this old fucking bitch with a walker who probably had some cancer or something making them live off the government dole and steal money out of your pocket and mine. I took the bitch's knees out hardcore with a baseball bat and then really went to work on her. By the time I was throwing the lifeless husk of this ill-begotten grandmother's body into the dumpster, the Obama-era police showed up and caught me in the act of conducting legal business that was cognizant of moral and ethical norms of our times.

I'm out now, but please contact your congressman to tell them this sort of thing is still happening to legitimate businessmen like me even with Obama in prison where he belongs for his crimes against the American people. It needs to stop.

My friends.