Just for fun, the correct translations according to my rather poor knowledge of spanish.
  • Son muy baratas las cebollas hoy? - Are the onions very cheap today?
  • Tu me has hecho muy embarazada. - You have done much to impregnate me
  • Te quiero mas que el sol quiere el cielo. Vive conmigo siempre. - I want you more than the sun wants the sky. Live with me always.
  • Favor de quitar tus pantalones y camisa ahorita o yo voy a quitarlos. - Please remove your pants and shirt now or I will remove them for you.
  • Yo vivo en un arbol todas las dias porque manana me olividare las pantuflas acerca del hipopotamo en el rascacielos. - I live in a tree all the days because tomorrow the (some type of pants) will forgot about the hippopotamus in the skyscraper.

Er, not really sure about the last one there...