i hate telephones at the best of times. the phone at my house, for example, is constantly ringing, and it is mostly for my younger, prettier, more popular sister. whenever it's for me, it's work or something less interesting.

playing secretary that i do, i let the phone ring not once, but twice. this is so a) the caller can be really really sure that they actually want to deal with my usual lies about my sister's death by defenestration and b) so that their name and number will show up on the call display, so that they can be phoned back if need be.

so the phone rings are always in pairs. like shoes. so when the phone only rings once, and no one has answered it, i get very very anxious. i need the phone to ring a second time. it should, that is the nature of my phone. but it doesn't, and i am left shivering with antici...........................................................................