wow....the world is quiet at
three am, even here. days like this one, this very very long one, cannot finish without me unwinding, like a backwards spring-thing. i need to talk to someone, anyone, but right now
i can't deal with strangers. so into the daylog i march...maybe i just haven't noded in much too long, yeah, that's it..
got home from work, ten minutes ago, yes i work home from other work before, wait, that's a lie...the boy i have a crush on drove me home, and we stopped for food...that took awhile, was almost datelike...(i can pretend)...nevermind that me and he had stayed up until much later than this the night before this one, talking about life, the universe and everything...
long week, this one was, including root canals, ice cream cake, tarot cards, wee hour bedtimes and wee hour wakeup calls, dangerous windy canoeing, and letting the boy i have a crush on read my poetry...(that last bit is more impressive than it sounds, i am quite terrified to show anyone my stuff, especially in the still wet ink, first draft state that these three particular poems were in)...
something is wrong with me. everything i eat makes me sick, i have no use for sleep anymore. i sing. i smile. i run around darkened gymnasiums in my bare feet and listen to the echo...i'm a little worried i might be happy. shh! don't tell anyone...