(on April 11, 2001)

Moving day!

The firm finally got to move to the new offices. I tell you, an another week in the hell hole I was previously stationed, and you'd be having the first AK47-to-IT-workplace incident in Finland. :)
It's amazing what kind of difference moving to the other end of the building could make. Instead of the small, dark, windowless space with people passing through all the time inhaling the little precious oxygen we had, we now have a real office with air conditioning and probably one of the nicest views you can get in a HML downtown office building. And instead of the old sardines in a can -style, all the employees actually have a decent amount of space for themselves. I won't say the new facilities are the best this town has to offer, but I definitely won't complain either.
What I would like to complain about is the fact that I have to get up at 7:30 Thursday morning, in order to attend a not-very-interesting meeting held in the middle of nowhere. Oh well, at least the long Easter weekend starts soon after.

The other thing that has got me in such a fine mood today (again) is a good friend spending the evening with me. Although I am denied any sort of romantic relations by society's and its standards, it is sure nice to have friends to spend time with inside and outside the net. I guess I'm not the right person to bitterly complain about being lonely after all.