Hi everybody! I hope you’re all doing good. My camp was great! My dad said he told you about the possessed apples that were chasing me. It was weird.
We helped some of our neighbors move this weekend and I wrote about it. I call this story “Ghost of a House”.
My neighbors that lived across the street are moving away and we helped them. Their names are Heather and Sean. They were always very nice. They have a dog named “Foo” and a cat named “Gilbert”. The dog was orange and had a black tongue. I used to help walk the dog. I’m going to miss doing that. Nobody saw Gilbert too much.
Now I wonder who is going to move in. I hope they are nice too. But to me, it won’t be the same because whenever I look at the house, they are the people I’m going to see.
Good-bye and good luck. I’m going to miss you all very much!
Thank you for being my neighbor.
I’ll try and write about camp next time. Bye!