Well, I'm glad that so many people see this from the lighter side, and I will probably do so too one day. However, I'm a bit disturbed by this prank. Of course there's no real harm from this, and parts of it was funny even when I finally did believe that we were under a real h4X0r attack. ("My mom will shut off my PC!")

But, in my book, this is still the equivalent of

  • Shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theatre, just to see people react under stress
  • Stomping on anthills just to see the little ants run around, desperately

A little too childish for my taste, really. When one of the trolls referred to having deleted the latest backup - "I hope it wasn't the one under /opt/backup/03312001" or something to that extent - I really felt that more was at stake than that the jokes would be on us. But maybe that's just me taking E2 too seriously?

My heroes were Jurph, Cletus the Foetus and Nanosecond - among others - who are people who had the courage to stand up for E2, knowing somewhere that it could be a cheap joke on them. In the face of having parts or all of it destroyed, there was little room for personal pride. But again, maybe we're just taking E2 too seriously ?

"Letting of steam" ? Hope you feel better now. Some of us don't.

Anyway, I'm glad that some of you enjoyed this. I myself lost a little sleep, but I still think it was worth it. I will certainly feel differently about e2 from now on.