Well, here we go ... The Day After my resolution to stop drinking (see also my entry on July 4, 2001 where I presented my idea to celebrate Independence Day in my own way: independence from alcohol. Now, this day is probably going to be the tough one, or, well, the first tough one: I will have to face the After Work Blues while sober.

Now, I enjoy my job - I run a language school, which every day presents a different and interesting collection of challenges. I am never bored at work. Quite the opposite - I usually work under stress, which keeps me going throughout the day. And of course, a drink after work has always been a good way to wind down for me.

But we're doing away with that now. A nice glass of orange juice after work for me today! Some more water to flush the pollution out of my system... I went through 3 full Brita pitchers yesterday!

Day 2 of my recovery... Send me positive thoughts!