"I shouted, 'Hoi, Aircrash Investigator, Houlihan, Warmer, Failed Screenwriter. I don't care what you're called, only what you are. Come on.'"

In These Demented Lands, a novel by Alan Warner, the heroine of his beloved novel Morvern Callar, is again at the forefront of the drama. This time, however, it happens to be a love story, albeit a very strange one. In the story, Morvern meets a man named Brotherhood, who appears to be the very Devil himself, and who runs a honeymooner's hotel for the sole purpose of ruining the marriages of all his guests. He also has a special guest, the Aircrash Investigator, who wishes only to solve an ethereal mystery of angels and aliens, using Brotherhood as his tool. Into this maelstrom comes Movern Callar, perpetually unfased by any of these weirdos, and ready to discover her own answers to the mysteries on the island, with the help of the only man she may be capable of feeling for.

This novel is published by Anchor Books and Doubleday, and first copyrighted in the year 1997. You can find more about the author's work at www.randomhouse.com