Box Drawing is the name of a range of characters in the
Unicode character encoding standard.
These characters are encoded solely to facilitate the support of legacy implementations, such as terminal emulation.
GB 2312 and KS C 5601 are among the standards used to develop this block.
Back in the olden days, when all we had were character terminals, clever people added a few characters to allow people to make simple graphics on the screen. A basic set of six characters, four corners and two edges, could make a decent maze. Four more characters : a tank facing each of four directions, and suddenly you've got an interactive shoot 'em up game.
(and kids today complain if their 3D graphics accelerator cards only have 64 Meg of video RAM)
If one is careful, one can even add a certain level of graphics to their E2 write-ups :
┏┓ ╭╮
┗┛ ╰╯
┏┳┓ ╭━╮
┣╋┫ ┃ ┃
┗┻┛ ╰━╯
┃ Text ┃
┃Inside ┃
Box Drawing code block reserves the
128 code points from U+2500 to U+257F, of which all 128 are currently assigned.
Enclosed Alphanumerics <-- Box Drawing --> Block Elements
All the characters in this code block were added in Unicode 1.1
All the characters in this code block are in general category Symbol, Other So
All the characters in this code block are in bidirectional category Other Neutral ON
The columns below should be interpreted as :
- The Unicode code for the character
- The character in question
- The Unicode name for the character
If the characters below show up poorly, or not at all, see Unicode Support for possible solutions.
Box Drawing
Form and chart components
- U+2500 ─ box drawings light horizontal
- sgml ─
- aka videotex mosaic dg 15
- U+2501 ━ box drawings heavy horizontal
- U+2502 │ box drawings light vertical
- sgml │
- aka videotex mosaic dg 14
- U+2503 ┃ box drawings heavy vertical
- U+2504 ┄ box drawings light triple dash horizontal
- U+2505 ┅ box drawings heavy triple dash horizontal
- U+2506 ┆ box drawings light triple dash vertical
- U+2507 ┇ box drawings heavy triple dash vertical
- U+2508 ┈ box drawings light quadruple dash horizontal
- U+2509 ┉ box drawings heavy quadruple dash horizontal
- U+250A ┊ box drawings light quadruple dash vertical
- U+250B ┋ box drawings heavy quadruple dash vertical
- U+250C ┌ box drawings light down and right
- sgml ┌
- aka videotex mosaic dg 16
- U+250D ┍ box drawings down light and right heavy
- U+250E ┎ box drawings down heavy and right light
- U+250F ┏ box drawings heavy down and right
- U+2510 ┐ box drawings light down and left
- sgml ┐
- aka videotex mosaic dg 17
- U+2511 ┑ box drawings down light and left heavy
- U+2512 ┒ box drawings down heavy and left light
- U+2513 ┓ box drawings heavy down and left
- U+2514 └ box drawings light up and right
- sgml └
- aka videotex mosaic dg 18
- U+2515 ┕ box drawings up light and right heavy
- U+2516 ┖ box drawings up heavy and right light
- U+2517 ┗ box drawings heavy up and right
- U+2518 ┘ box drawings light up and left
- sgml ┘
- aka videotex mosaic dg 19
- U+2519 ┙ box drawings up light and left heavy
- U+251A ┚ box drawings up heavy and left light
- U+251B ┛ box drawings heavy up and left
- U+251C ├ box drawings light vertical and right
- sgml ├
- aka videotex mosaic dg 20
- U+251D ┝ box drawings vertical light and right heavy
- aka videotex mosaic dg 03
- U+251E ┞ box drawings up heavy and right down light
- U+251F ┟ box drawings down heavy and right up light
- U+2520 ┠ box drawings vertical heavy and right light
- U+2521 ┡ box drawings down light and right up heavy
- U+2522 ┢ box drawings up light and right down heavy
- U+2523 ┣ box drawings heavy vertical and right
- U+2524 ┤ box drawings light vertical and left
- sgml ┤
- aka videotex mosaic dg 21
- U+2525 ┥ box drawings vertical light and left heavy
- aka videotex mosaic dg 04
- U+2526 ┦ box drawings up heavy and left down light
- U+2527 ┧ box drawings down heavy and left up light
- U+2528 ┨ box drawings vertical heavy and left light
- U+2529 ┩ box drawings down light and left up heavy
- U+252A ┪ box drawings up light and left down heavy
- U+252B ┫ box drawings heavy vertical and left
- U+252C ┬ box drawings light down and horizontal
- sgml ┬
- aka videotex mosaic dg 22
- U+252D ┭ box drawings left heavy and right down light
- U+252E ┮ box drawings right heavy and left down light
- U+252F ┯ box drawings down light and horizontal heavy
- aka videotex mosaic dg 02
- U+2530 ┰ box drawings down heavy and horizontal light
- U+2531 ┱ box drawings right light and left down heavy
- U+2532 ┲ box drawings left light and right down heavy
- U+2533 ┳ box drawings heavy down and horizontal
- U+2534 ┴ box drawings light up and horizontal
- sgml ┴
- aka videotex mosaic dg 23
- U+2535 ┵ box drawings left heavy and right up light
- U+2536 ┶ box drawings right heavy and left up light
- U+2537 ┷ box drawings up light and horizontal heavy
- aka videotex mosaic dg 01
- U+2538 ┸ box drawings up heavy and horizontal light
- U+2539 ┹ box drawings right light and left up heavy
- U+253A ┺ box drawings left light and right up heavy
- U+253B ┻ box drawings heavy up and horizontal
- U+253C ┼ box drawings light vertical and horizontal
- sgml ┼
- aka videotex mosaic dg 24
- U+253D ┽ box drawings left heavy and right vertical light
- U+253E ┾ box drawings right heavy and left vertical light
- U+253F ┿ box drawings vertical light and horizontal heavy
- aka videotex mosaic dg 13
- U+2540 ╀ box drawings up heavy and down horizontal light
- U+2541 ╁ box drawings down heavy and up horizontal light
- U+2542 ╂ box drawings vertical heavy and horizontal light
- U+2543 ╃ box drawings left up heavy and right down light
- U+2544 ╄ box drawings right up heavy and left down light
- U+2545 ╅ box drawings left down heavy and right up light
- U+2546 ╆ box drawings right down heavy and left up light
- U+2547 ╇ box drawings down light and up horizontal heavy
- U+2548 ╈ box drawings up light and down horizontal heavy
- U+2549 ╉ box drawings right light and left vertical heavy
- U+254A ╊ box drawings left light and right vertical heavy
- U+254B ╋ box drawings heavy vertical and horizontal
- U+254C ╌ box drawings light double dash horizontal
- U+254D ╍ box drawings heavy double dash horizontal
- U+254E ╎ box drawings light double dash vertical
- U+254F ╏ box drawings heavy double dash vertical
- U+2550 ═ box drawings double horizontal
- sgml ═
- U+2551 ║ box drawings double vertical
- sgml ║
- U+2552 ╒ box drawings down single and right double
- sgml ╒
- U+2553 ╓ box drawings down double and right single
- sgml ╓
- U+2554 ╔ box drawings double down and right
- sgml ╔
- U+2555 ╕ box drawings down single and left double
- sgml ╕
- U+2556 ╖ box drawings down double and left single
- sgml ╖
- U+2557 ╗ box drawings double down and left
- sgml ╗
- U+2558 ╘ box drawings up single and right double
- sgml ╘
- U+2559 ╙ box drawings up double and right single
- sgml ╙
- U+255A ╚ box drawings double up and right
- sgml ╚
- U+255B ╛ box drawings up single and left double
- sgml ╛
- U+255C ╜ box drawings up double and left single
- sgml ╜
- U+255D ╝ box drawings double up and left
- sgml ╝
- U+255E ╞ box drawings vertical single and right double
- sgml ╞
- U+255F ╟ box drawings vertical double and right single
- sgml ╟
- U+2560 ╠ box drawings double vertical and right
- sgml ╠
- U+2561 ╡ box drawings vertical single and left double
- sgml ╡
- U+2562 ╢ box drawings vertical double and left single
- sgml ╢
- U+2563 ╣ box drawings double vertical and left
- sgml ╣
- U+2564 ╤ box drawings down single and horizontal double
- sgml ╤
- U+2565 ╥ box drawings down double and horizontal single
- sgml ╥
- U+2566 ╦ box drawings double down and horizontal
- sgml ╦
- U+2567 ╧ box drawings up single and horizontal double
- sgml ╧
- U+2568 ╨ box drawings up double and horizontal single
- sgml ╨
- U+2569 ╩ box drawings double up and horizontal
- sgml ╩
- U+256A ╪ box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
- sgml ╪
- U+256B ╫ box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
- sgml ╫
- U+256C ╬ box drawings double vertical and horizontal
- sgml ╬
- U+256D ╭ box drawings light arc down and right
- U+256E ╮ box drawings light arc down and left
- U+256F ╯ box drawings light arc up and left
- U+2570 ╰ box drawings light arc up and right
- U+2571 ╱ box drawings light diagonal upper right to lower left
- U+2572 ╲ box drawings light diagonal upper left to lower right
- U+2573 ╳ box drawings light diagonal cross
- U+2574 ╴ box drawings light left
- U+2575 ╵ box drawings light up
- U+2576 ╶ box drawings light right
- U+2577 ╷ box drawings light down
- U+2578 ╸ box drawings heavy left
- U+2579 ╹ box drawings heavy up
- U+257A ╺ box drawings heavy right
- U+257B ╻ box drawings heavy down
- U+257C ╼ box drawings light left and heavy right
- U+257D ╽ box drawings light up and heavy down
- U+257E ╾ box drawings heavy left and light right
- U+257F ╿ box drawings heavy up and light down
Some prose may have been lifted verbatim from,
as is permitted by their terms of use at