Band consisting of Ry Cooder, John Hiatt, Jim Keltner and Nick Lowe, as well as the title of their one and only 1992 album.

If you like any of these artists it is well worth checking out. It is still available on and perhaps on some website that has not yet laid off its better-paid worker bees.

I was lucky enough to get a back-stage pass to their concert at the Pantages in Los Angeles. I spent the entire time tongue-tied, particularly once I realized that the bottle of Perrier I was nervously swigging was also being swigged, with aplomb, by Bonnie Raitt. I did manage to get a playlist signed by Hiatt, which is enshrined now in my office, along with the pass. One must preserve Brushes With Fame.

The songs are:

Solar Sex Panel
The Action
Inside Job
Big Love
Take Another Look
Do You Want My Job
Don’t Go Away Mad
Fool Who Knows
She Runs Hot
Don’t Think About Her When You’re Trying To Drive (my personal favorite Hiatt song)
Don’t Bug Me When I’m Working