Most open dinghies are very easy to right however boats that lean towards speed tend to be harder to right. My C-13 is very hard to right without getting wet, It"s so wide that there is a 2 and a half foot drop over the side to stand on the daggerboard instead of the foot or so that a laser has. Hollow masts are common on most boats now and most aren't sealed meaning they fill with water and make it harder for beginners and people in a hurry to right the boat because of the extra weight so far away from the boat. I filled the truck of my mast with about 3 feet of Styrofoam and now the tip is buoyant preventing the boat from turtling. To add Styrofoam to your mast you"ll need:

  • Styrofoam block
  • tools to shape it
  • screwdriver remove the mast cap
  • a hammer and a wooden 2x2 to push in the Styrofoam
  1. Remove the mast cap.
  2. draw the cross sectional shape of the mast onto the Styrofoam block at both ends.
  3. shape the block so it just about matches the shape of the mast. It"s better to be a little big than too small. I used a bandsaw and a surform plane but a hot wire would be better or what ever you have laying around will do.
  4. Push the Styrofoam plug that you made into the mast it needs to fit snugly.
  5. Replace the mast cap.

You're done, go out and sail with confidence. This has the added benefit of making the top of your mast watertight which means that water from your mast won"t drain into your bilge, that means your boat won"t want to capsize because of the water falling to leeward.