A technique for analysing sequences, from a given sequence f(n), a new sequence df(n) is formed which consists of the difference of successive terms of f(n). This process is iterated and if eventually the resulting sequence is constant, the original sequence can be reconstructed from the finite differences evaluated at some fixed n.

For instance the perfect cubes have the following finite difference table:

0     1      8      27      64      125      216      343      512      729      1000 . . .
   1      7     19      37      61        91       127     169       217      271 . . .
       6     12    18      24       30        36        42        48        54 . . .
          6       6       6        6          6          6         6           6 . . .

The cubes could be reconstructed from the numbers (0,1,6,6) using only addition.

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