INFP. I'm very into psychology, especially that of myself. Quite young so still working my way out of immaturity. Getting increasingly frustrated by pop culture, though I still find myself indulging in it regularly. This is equally frustrating... meh. Religion has always been a big thing in my life as my father is a CofE priest. I don't realy know what I believe and I like it that way, I find ambiguity and uncertainty make me feel more liberated than accepting other peoples ideas. For this reason I like to alter my personality and opinions on things alot, though I'm not completely sure whether I do this on purpose or not, I like to think that I do. I like convincing myself that I do things on purpose in order to justify them.
I think I'm better than everyone else, that pretty much drives me socially. I think about what other people think of me alot, I'm working on changing that...
I'm happy. I'm in love with a fantastic girl who after much deliberation and tedius back and forths decided to give it a go. She loves me too, and understands the complexity that is my awesome self, we mesh perfectly and I can tell her almost everything (I don't think its possible to ever tell someone literally everything). I imagine we will spend the rest of our lives together unless I make a stupid mistake. She won't, and even if she did I think I could forgive her, but I don't want her to know that, or she might start taking liberties...
Alot of people think I'm pretentious and arrogant. This hurt me so I tried to change it, but now I've decided its a good thing and let it come back. It is me after all, and I want to concentrate the me in me, not dilute it. If I did that, I may as well be you...
My favourite form of punctuation is '...'
I like weird things. My favourite writer so far is R.A. Wilson. I have alot to say about him, but you've heard it all before, unless you've never looked into his work (whatever reason you have for this, get out).
My bio is not my lifes story because I find that kind of thing boring and generally irrelevant. The tone of this bio reflect my currently dosile mood as it is 2:24am my time and I probably need to sleep. Maybe I'll rewrite it when I'm feeling more upbeat. But then, I've only done 2 writeups and they're not that great, just slightly altered versions of school work. I'll have more for you one day, need to take more in before I start spewing poorly written irrelevancies all over this place.