user since
Sat Jun 16 2001 at 12:00:02 (23.7 years ago )
last seen
Sat Jun 16 2001 at 12:11:15 (23.7 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate)
Send private message to anthonyjhicks

I'm 26 years old and live on the lower north shore of Sydney, Australia. I'm a music loving, technology obsessive, gadget collecting, aircraft enthusiast and science fiction nut who enjoys good food, friends and working hard. I work as an e-commerce specialist and software developer at one of Australia's leading e-commerce and network services companies. I'm also studying Business and Electronic Commerce at Monash University.

I'm heavily focused on Internet related technologies and their utilisation for business in the areas of electronic commerce and information management. My responsibilities include project management, technical leading of projects, software design, solutions architecture, technical pre-sales and the development of a variety of e-business related software and web applications.

My areas of technology interest include groupware and collaboration software, application servers, streaming media, user interface design, Internetworking, application security, mobile and wireless applications, software project management and web application development environments.

My personal interests include classical, techno, jungle, trance, house, hardcore, turntabilist and some hip-hop music; roller bladeing, skiing, night clubbing, restaurants, cafes, dance parties, movies, the Internet, science fiction, popular science, strategy games and first-person shooters, gadgets and high technology, space, jogging, aircraft, flying and a bit of travel.

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