A local anaesthetic used for infiltration, field block, nerve block and spinal anaesthesia. It works by reducing the nerve cell's permeability to sodium ions.

One of the staple drugs used by dentists and anaesthesists worldwide.

Also used in emergencies as an anti-arrhythmic agent (class Ib anti-arrhythmic agent), which is seemingly paradoxical since one of the side effects of lignocaine is causing cardiac arrhythmias. The protocol is that for a patient in VF (ventricular fibrillation), who has been defibrillated unsuccessfully and given adrenaline and defibrillated unsuccessfully again, lignocaine is given, followed by another attempt at defibrillation. A lignocaine infusion may also be considered at this stage.

The dose is 1-4mg/min with a 50-150mg i.v. loading dose. Notable adverse effects are confusion and convulsions.

Lidocaine is the same thing as lignocaine and is a name that is only used in the U.S. and its colonies.

Note: lignocaine is NOT novocaine.

On E2, lignocaine is also a user who is an Asian dentist girl. Good-looking, intelligent, honest and cute, she first started noding on April 13, 2000.