I don't remember what it was like to be in a relationship that didn't involve sex. Those scandalous moments in grade school when you held hands or maybe even got your first kiss with someone while subjected to all the gossip. Even those relationships that came later, during puberty, with a few awkward fumblings all the while a little scared of the potential of this thing I was doing, kissing this person downstairs in my parent's basement.
I have a friend who had a white wedding, with all that entails. To be honest, in this day and age, it mystified me even while I applauded her decision. In fact, the man she married was a roommate I introduced her to, in part because he was the only man I knew who would respect that particular decision. He wasn't a virgin when they married, but I suppose traditionally speaking that is common as well. Still, although I knew that they, um, did other things (said with all the shy embarassment one might expect from someone talking about their parents having sex) it was a source of endless amazement that these people, so in love, so wonderful together, didn't consummate their union. It occasionally made me regret my decision to not wait. After all, they were the happy couple, not me.

Applause to those who made similar choices.

Ten minutes is far too short once you get started on something.