So you've been playing Quake 3 Arena for a while now and you want to start a clan? Well, you've come to the right place. Starting a clan is easy, and this writeup will explain how.
- First, get good at the game. Nobody will want to join a clan led by someone who ends up with -17 on q3dm17 when playing with a bunch of newbies.
- Next, come up with a name for the clan. It should be as badass sounding as possible. Names like "Ass Kickers" and "Killers" are too obvious, though. Come up with something creative and original.
- Start your own clan server. Open it to public access and let random people connect. When good players are on, ask them "do j00 want t0 jo1n our clan???!???#?#?!?#?!?" and kick them off if they say no. When sucky players ask "can i join ur clan" kick them off too. Hell, kick off anyone who kills you more often than you are comfortable with, or uses the BFG even though you left it enabled. You also must kick off anyone who camps, even though they're just guarding their base in Capture the Flag.
- Troll other servers for people and invite them to your server, so you can kick them off and try to ruin their egos. The more times you kick the same player off and they come back, the better your clan is doing.
- Start a clan web page. Make it all l33t so that when people come they realize there's no way you'll ever let them into the clan. The page must make them WANT to join, though, so make sure it has lots of custom graphics and nifty game screenshots.
Once you have all the best players in the Q3A world and all the newbies hating your guts, congratulations! You have created a Quake 3 Arena clan. Enjoy your godly position and the big compressor you've attached to your ego!