Man, this guy is
I used to ride to school with a girl that loved the "motor city madman" and his god-awful talk show.
I once heard him take a call from a mother that had a suicidal son. The way I remember it, the son had tried to kill himself a number of times in the past and the mother wanted to know what Ted thought she should do.
Well, Ted in his infinite wisdom told the mother that she should buy her son a gun and have him go hunting. Ted's view on this is that by having the boy "find" himself in nature hunting, He would see just how great life was and would see the error of his ways.
I'm sorry, this is by far the most insane advice that anyone would give. Where is the logic in having a known suicidal teen go out in the woods with a weapon of any kind a good idea? The man is just crazy and is the last person that should be giving advice on anything other than hunting.
On a side note, the mother agreed with him. Sad sad sad.