One of the most important concepts to understand in the study and practice of Wicca is that of the Witches' Pyramid. The four sides of Imagination, Will, Faith, and Secrecy form the Witches' Pyramid, and this in turn forms the base of our ability to work magick. They are sometimes referred to as "To Imagine", "To Will", "To Dare", and "To Keep Silent".

IMAGINATION. This is the power to conjure up in your mind whatever scenes you desire. It is the controlled daydream, a seemingly real flight of fancy, which permits you to imagine almost anything. Your imagination is a tool to be treasured and developed, for it evokes the emotions that help give life and movement to your magick. It enables you to visualize things you have seen and things you have never seen, places you have visited, and places you can only imagine. Therefore, encourage your fantasies and daydreams, and the emotions they generate, for each will undoubtedly be called to service in your magick. To a degree, the power of a spell depends on how much emotion you can generate, and how intensely you can visualize your desired result.

How can you generate that intensity of feeling? There are many ways to get the emotions stirred up. Use whatever you wish: scents, music, drumming, chanting, acting, or whatever gets you going. Employ old memories, much as actors do ('sense memory'). The idea here is to get you deeply involved; in so doing, your subconscious mind takes note and acts accordingly. Your imagination is an important part of your magick, and should be exercised often.

WILL. A Witch's magickal will is (or should be) a formidable thing, indeed. It is a will of iron that brooks no opposition; in fact, it cannot even conceive of any opposition. It is only exercised during magickal operations; like the imagination, it must be cultivated and developed. The magickal will works with the imagination to provide a focus for the emotions that are generated. What you are striving to achieve is a single-mindedness; a state of mind in which anything you will must come to pass; indeed, has already happened.

Begin by taking a passing interest in day-to-day things that normally wouldn’t concern you. Switch on your magickal will with a conscious effort, and exert your influence. Remember, keep it simple; start with small matters and don't try willing things you may subconsciously believe to be impossible. Attempting too much can lead to failures and lessen your faith in your will.

FAITH. Faith forms the important third side of the Pyramid. In this case, however, faith does not mean the blind, obedient submission so often demanded by mainstream religions of their followers. Instead, it is that deep-down, solid knowledge that your spell or ritual will work. This includes complete confidence in yourself, your abilities, and your knowledge; there is no room here for any doubt. You know your spell or ritual will succeed, indeed has succeeded.

SECRECY. Wiccans have always been a secretive lot. In the old days of persecution, of course, there was a life-or-death need for secrecy. Today, Wiccans are more likely to be discreet about their spells and workings. There's a practical reason for this: spells seem to work better when they're not blabbed about. Indeed, some traditions believe that, after the spell is cast, it must not be spoken of nor thought about until the desired result has been achieved and verified. Many groups will not even discuss the particular working while in Circle, believing that this has a tendency to "pull back" the power and negate the working.

Mastering the four principles of the Witches’ Pyramid is a good idea for any Wiccan. They are part of the foundation upon which all successful magick is based.


Farrar, Janet and Stewart. The Witches' Way. Blaine, Washington: Phoenix Publishing, 1986
Huson, Paul. Mastering Witchcraft. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973